HUNTER: Bridget Gray
STATE: Missouri
SEASON: Muzzleloader (Alternative) Season

I have to tell you, “how great God is.” Using this year’s deers season….
During early bow season, trying to grow myself as a hunter, I saw and passed many young bucks. But it took until rifle season for me to have a shot at a mature buck. I had the rare privilege to witness a very mature old buck cross the field in front of me. Unfortunately, I began to shake so violently, nerves I guessed), that I completely missed him at 70 yards. ?♀️. With a rifle that I have taken Deer at distances three times that far.
I was frustrated, angry at myself, disgusted, bewildered and overall dumbfounded and in tears that I just blew this rare opportunity. Mature deer like this never come out during the daytime… Never present an opportunity, and I just blew it big-time.
What I knew, but wasn’t ready to really accept, was that the same God that put the deer in front of me, was the same God that caused the bullet to completely miss the deer. I knew it in my head, but I was struggling with it in my heart… Still blaming myself instead.
I kept hunting and late bow season was, filled with young does.
Well, it is now muzzleloader season. My muzzleloader is very accurate, almost target accurate. Much research and some custom features., like a light trigger I installed myself a few years ago helped accomplish this. Wednesday I finally had an opportunity to take another buck…. it was a small little guy. Similar to the ones that I was letting pass by in early bow season (I will post a picture from our game camera of him… (three hours after I missed him)). That’s right, another miss. When he came into the field, I accepted what God provided. I carefully took aim, cocked the hammer, squeezed the trigger and…. and… completely missed the deer at 60 yards standing broadside.
This time, there was something different….. peace…. Peace… Something had changed in the course of time, God had moved my faith in his ultimate control from my head and into my heart. I searched thoroughly to make sure that there was no injured deer. The next morning I brought in the game Camera pictures, which showed the little guy was perfectly fine. I was not angry, frustrated, confused or disgusted feeling … There was just a peace and contentment that God was in control. And almost a pride at the absence of those feelings.
So the next day, I went to go hunting in the same blind overlooking the same food plot. Billy (my husband) even asked me incredulously “Do you really think that that buck will show up again?” Without a thought, I said “No, I think there are more bucks in the woods than just that one.”
At nearly the exact same time as the day before, I looked up and in the field standing there looking at me was a huge mature Whitetail buck. He turned and bounced his way back across the field towards the woods. Without a thought, I lifted my muzzleloader, pull the hammer back, aimed and he paused for a split-second at the edge of the woods. I fired, when the smoke cleared I saw him running into the woods.
Again, something new happened. Without a conscious thought, I dropped to my knees in my blind and prayed vehemently. After taking five minutes to clean and reload my gun and, of course, text Billy. I walked out into the field where I shot the deer and saw blood. Again I drop to my knees and prayed. I gave the deer the customary minimum 30 minute wait before tracking him (The longest feeling 30 minutes I can remember lol). And followed his blood trail to the place where he laid.
The peace, contentment and joy that I felt was indescribable. He was, in that moment, the most beautiful deer I ever saw…. Because I knew… holy, righteous, merciful God loved me so much, that was growing my faith. It was a 9 point mature, healthy, beautiful expression of God’s love and grace. Grace, unmerited favor, in a perfect shot. I have always felt God‘s presence when I hunt. But never so visible, so tangible as yesterday.