Bridget Gray’s Missouri Muzzleloader Whitetail – A Season of Faith Hunters Journal by CSOutdoors - March 14, 2020March 14, 2020 HUNTER: Bridget GraySTATE: MissouriSEASON: Muzzleloader (Alternative) Season HUNTING PRODUCTS: WHITETAIL PHOTOS: WHITETAIL STORY: I have to tell you, "how great God is." Using...
Dan Lopez’s Incredible 373″ 2019 Iowa Whitetail Season Featured Hunters Journal by CSOutdoors - February 23, 2020March 4, 2020 HUNTER: Dan LopezSTATE: IowaSEASON: Archery and Late Muzzleloader HUNTING PRODUCTS: (Click to View) OPIMA BARNES BULLETS WHITETAIL PHOTOS: WHITETAIL STORY: Bey...